Precious Feet Lapel Pins Program

The KofC of BC and Yukon are starting up a new initiative to award Confirmands with the Precious Feet Lapel Pins. The feet are the exact size of a 10 week old baby in utero. They serve as a reminder, to the Confirmands, that at one point in time, their feet were exactly that size. The pins can also help to serve as a conversation starter with those who take interest in them.

To participate in the Precious Feet Lapel Program, Life directors must place an order for material, used for putting together envelopes, that are to be handed out to the Confirmands. This process involves the following steps:

  1. Obtain permission from the parish priest
  2. Contact the school’s PREP coordinator for the following information
    1. Number of Confirmands
    2. Confirmation date
  3. Send the information from #2 to brother Jim (, along with a mailing address for shipping the program material. Upon receipt of the material,
  4. Assemble envelopes to be distributed to the Confirmands
  5. Arrange with the PREP coordinator a time to hand out the pins to the Confirmands

Confirmation Card
