Patriotic Degree virtual exemplification 30th May 2020

Simon Fraser Province Virtual 4th Degree Exemplification

This 4th Degree virtual Exemplification is open to all 3rd Degree Knights in the Simon Fraser Province and could potentially include candidates from BC, Yukon, Alberta, Saskatchewan and the NorthWest Territories.
Date:  Saturday, May 30th
Time:9:00 am sharp (PDT)
Host:  Worthy Master Pat Meuse, Master, Saskatchewan.
The Class Honouree will be all “Frontline Workers in Health Care” including all doctors, nurses, aides and everyone who is making it so for us – those who are risking contracting this disease of potential deadliness to care for those who have contracted this disease.
If the class fills (maximum of 100 candidates), a second event will be scheduled – no one will be left behind.
A fillable Form 4 (attached) is to be filled out by the candidate and signed with a digital signature or their name in italic together with their membership number in the signature block.  The form must also be signed by Financial Secretary of the candidates home Council and the Faithful Navigator of the Assembly.  The form can and payment is to be sent to Master Pat Meuse either electronically or by mail (Master Pat Meuse, 1238 Grandview St. W., Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, S6H 5M2).
Candidates will be asked to attend at their computer for the time of the Degree (they will be forwarded a link via email so please ensure to include your email with your application).  If possible, the candidate is asked to view the Degree with their sponsor (social distancing permitting) and not to have family members who are not 4th Degree Knights or spouses present.  Any 4th Degree Sir Knight may request to attend the virtual Degree and will need to send their email address to Master Pat Meuse in advance of the date so he may send them the invitation link. 
On completion of the Degree, the Master of each District will either send or deliver the social baldric and pin to the new Sir Knights in their District.  How this will be done will depend on when gatherings will be permissible.
If you have any questions, please contact Bill Jankola, Master, BC & Yukon (, 250-304-9307).