Patriotic Degree Exemplification – Virtual – November/December 2020

An invitation to all 3rd Degree Knights to become a member of the Patriotic Degree (4th).

November 12, 20205:00 P.M. Pacific TimeVirtual Meeting
December 12, 20208:00 A.M. Pacific TimeVirtual Meeting
click the date for details

Registration …via email to Master Bill Jankola:

Form 4a – required for registration.

Meeting will open 15 minutes prior Pacific Time and will last approximately 2 hours. This degree will be held in conjunction with the Alberta and Saskatchewan Districts and is being hosted by the Saskatchewan Master, Sir Knight Pat Meuse.

• Candidate Exemplification Fee – $70
(includes Social Baldric, Pin, Certificate)

Contact Information:
Bill Jankola
Pat Meuse,
