The BC Technology for Learning Society (BCTLS, a registered B.C. charity which accepts donations of used technology for refurbishment and deployment back to schools, non profit organizations, First Nations communities and low income families), has partnered with Knights of Columbus, Council 1081 (Vancouver, BC), and the Rotary club of Vancouver, in order to bring financial aid and assistance to the sick, disabled and needy members of our community, and their families, to provide 120 refurbished relicensed computers to Charities across British Columbia.
The Partners ln Care Alliance Society {PICA}, a society caring for the bereaved at end-of-life since 1994, has obtained these computers and donated them to the Knights of Columbus, who have now in turn, donated them to BCTLS. The Knights of Columbus now have the opportunity to deploy them first, for the next three months to First Nations and charities across BC, effective February 1, 2021.
In addition, the Rotary Club of Vancouver (which perhaps could be added to by other Rotary Clubs in your local home towns?), have secured an additional donation of $1,000 in funding to pay for refurbishing and shipping for people unable to afford the initial cost of refurbishing and shipment to their communities in need, and PICA is making that $1,000 available on a qualified 1st come, 1st served basis (Tom at 604-230-2395).
To promote the work we’re doing together to address the digital divide and partner to find new technology donors BC Tech for Learning agrees to:
- receive and warehouse the 120 donated PICA computers effective December 23, 2020.
- accept application requests via the BCTLS website for computer equipment;
- any notation that a request is via this Agreement needs to made in the “comments section”
- to refurbish and complete the computer so that a full package is assembled for the new user (includes LCD monitor, keyboard, mouse, Windows 10 and Office suite);
- lnvoice KofC’s approved donator ($50, plus PST $3.50, and $30 shipping for each computer, totalling $83.50, wherever shipping is required). Bulk shipping (30+ computers) would be $200 per pallet.
- Accept and provide a tax receipt for any cash donation received by BC Tech for Learning Soc directly from an individual, matching a pre-paid cash donation with the recipient.
This partnership is only in place until May 1st, 2021, and if you wish to have your Council removed from our Facebook announcement (the new Moccasin Telegram), please notify us by February 8th.
Thomas PJ Crean
Grand Knight Council 1081