Life is precious at every stage and as Knights we seek to defend the rights of every human being. The Faith in Action guide provides councils with a variety of program to show our support for life and protect life at every stage. Alongside the Faith in Action guide, councils have partnered with local groups to provide information about facing many of life’s most important decisions
Through programs such as the Ultrasound Program and March for Life, councils have provide an opportunity for people to learn the importance of life in today’s society. Through these efforts, we are creating a positive approach to life for today’s world and future generations. We must ensure that people are provided with complete information prior to them making decisions that impact young lives.
The Life Program Award, is given annually to the council within our State that demonstrates the best program within the Life Category. The programs can be a council creation or from the Faith in Action guide. The program should address Life and the value of life itself.
Faith in Action – Life Programs
March for Life
Special Olympics
Ultrasound Program
Pregnancy Center Support
Christian Refugee Relief
Silver Rose
Mass for People with Special Needs
Novena for Life
Judgment Criteria
Deadline: April 25th 2021
Councils must submit Fraternal Programs Report Form (10784) to;
Daniel Abraham –
Calvin Mitchell –
– Program creativity
– Officers involvement
– Delegation of tasks
– Number to brother knights involved
– Number of non-members involved
– Total volunteer hour
– Program benefactors
– Number of benefactors