DATE: May 8, 2020
The Supreme Knight has announced that this year, in addition to the International Program Awards and Family of the Year, the Supreme Council will also recognize a Leave No Neighbor Behind program award at the Supreme Convention this August. Each State Council is asked to nominate one council from your jurisdiction whom you think is most deserving of this special International Leave No Neighbor Behind Award.
State Councils should select the council program from their jurisdiction that best exemplified the pillars of our Leave No Neighbor Behind initiative:
Support Brother Knights
Support Your Parish
Support Your Community
Feed Hungry
Participate in Blood Drives
Nominations for this award are due by June 8th.
Use this spreadsheet your Report –
Additionally, I ask that you strongly encourage all councils in your jurisdiction to submit the Leave No Neighbor Behind Survey State Program Directors should share this survey with councils and ask them to submit it with their program results, regardless of size. This will allow us to properly track the good works of the order during this pandemic.
Thank you for your attention to these important items.
State Deputy, Dale Hofer