KofC BC Charity Foundation – Donations

For over fifty (50) years, the British Columbia and Yukon State Council and its affiliated subordinate Councils, have relied heavily on the gaming revenue from the Annual Charity Appeal lottery; which is undertaken by the Knights of Columbus (BC) Charity Foundation in order to support numerous charitable, community and religious causes.
This source of income is not guaranteed and to some extent, its usage is restricted by provincial gaming regulations, as amended from time to time.

At the Annual General Meeting of the Knights of Columbus (BC) Charity Foundation in 1998, the establishment of a Knights of Columbus (BC) Charity Foundation “Corpus Fund”, with a goal of $2,000,000 in tax-deductible donations was announced. The Corpus Fund will serve as a vehicle to earn income through investment interest and such income to be used in the charitable giving of the Foundation.

This goal will require both a concerted and continuing effort by all interested parties, especially the various councils in BC & Yukon. Every fraternal leader and member should help promote and bring awareness to our Corpus Fund.

Tax receipts will be issued by the Foundation for donations to the Corpus Fund of $25 and over.

If you are donating via cheque, please fill out the following form: Cheque Donation – Fillable PDF

If you are donating using your credit card, please click here: Credit Card Donation through CanadaHelps
