To be eligible …

Did you know that …To be eligible to become a Knight you must be male, 18 years of age or older and be a practical Catholic. As an eligible man you can join the Knights of Columbus “On Line” at and clicking on the “JOIN US ONLINE” button – top right corner of the …

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Knights support Seminarians and Postulants…

Did you know that …that Knights of Columbus provide financial support to Seminarians and Postulants and that Seminarians can now join the Order at no cost?

Knights principles are…

Did you know that …Knights of Columbus are based on the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism and that our ceremonial work will help you understand fully what each of these principles are and how to apply them in our daily lives.

Membership growth is…

Did you know that … The Secret to membership growth is VISIBILITY. Men will not join an invisible organization, they may not even join the Knights of Columbus. But they will join what they see if they like what they see. Seek your pastor’s permission to have these statements and your events listed in your Parish …

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Knights in action …

Did you know that …Knights of Columbus were founded 1882 to provide financial support to Catholic widows and orphans and today ranks as one of the top three insurance companies in North America. Knights have over $2.3 billion for Catholic families, religious communities and dioceses.

Special Olympics …

Did you know that … Special Olympics was founded by a Knight of Columbus by the name of Sargent Shriver along with his wife Eunice Kennedy Shriver. The Knights of Columbus organization partnered with Special Olympics. In 2016, the Knights paid travel expenses of all Canadian and American Special Olympians to the World Games in Los Angeles, California.

Service Programs …

Did you know that …The Knights of Columbus offer our families Faith in Action programs in the areas of Church, Community, Family and Life, all designed to help build the Domestic Church – our Catholic families.